Review of ProCap and GenCap Oct 21
Sthlm Policy Group ยท Comments:
SPG has reviewed the Protection Standby Capacity Project (ProCap) and the IASC Gender Standby Capacity Project (GenCap) with the overall objective to ensure a cost efficient and effective management system and a governance model that contributes to reaching the objectives set out in the project strategies.
The ProCap and GenCap projects are managed by UN OCHA and the Norwegian Refugee Council. They aim to provide the UN system with relevant and timely gender and protection expertise to coordinated humanitarian crisis response.
The review report provided recommendations for the future development of the mechanisms, taking into account each project's specificities and with a focus on the specific objectives to: i) Update task and activity scopes as needed to serve the new strategies' goals and objectives; ii) Review roles and responsibilities for the projects actors, and; iii) Revisit governance of the projects to ensure clarity in strategic oversight and financial accountability.
In the early autumn of 2014, SPG facilitated workshops in Geneva with participants from OCHA, NRC and the UN agencies and programmes that are engaged in the projects. On the basis of the report, the project steering groups respectively decided to update terms of reference and other strategic documents to strengthen the projects.
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